Minutes of The Annual General Meetings – FY 2019/20




29th August 2021


Attended by:

  • Members of Shree Bhagnari Panchayat and
  • Trustees of Bhagnari Panchayat Trust –Naresh Nasta, Lalit Jham and Niranjan Gehani

As there was no quorum at 11.00 a.m. the meeting started at 11.30 a.m. with the members present at the meeting forming the quorum.

Due the current circumstances created by the ongoing pandemic, this Annual General Meeting for the year 2019-20 could not be held in the year 2020. The delay was duly intimated to the Charity Commissioner earlier in the year. As per the current protocols the meeting could not be held in-person and was held on Zoom. The co-operation of the members in this regard was appreciated.The Annual General Meeting for the year 2020-21 is planned to held before the end of this year.

Ramesh Poplay, Vice President of Shree Bhagnari Panchayat, started the meeting with the permission of Trustees and senior members of the community and brought the house to order.

He thanked Pranitt Popley for providing Zoom license with unlimited meeting time.

A minute’s silence was observed to pay homage to the members of the community who had expired since the last meeting.

The following agenda points were presented to the General Body by Naresh Nasta:

  1. Pass the minutes of the last meeting held on 24.11.2019

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated to the members. There were no queries on the same. As proposed by the Trustees the minutes of the previous AGM held on 24.11.2019 were passed unanimously by the General Body

  • 2. Review and pass the auditor’s report and the accounts of the Trust for the period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020

There were no queries on the accounts for 2019-20. As proposed by the Trustees, the accounts for period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020 were passed unanimously by the General Body

  • 3. Appoint auditors for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021

Naresh Nasta stated that Dipesh J Mehta and Company have served us well during the past and as such he proposed their name for appointment as the auditors of the Trust for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021. The proposal was unanimously accepted by the General Body and Dipesh J Mehta and Company were appointed auditors of Bhagnari Panchayat Trust for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021

  • 4. Review the report of the Trust’s activities during the period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020

Naresh Nasta read out the activities of the Trust during the year 2019-20. The notable activities were the completion of sale deed of Deolali property at the Registrar’s office in Nashik in compliance of the court order dated 28.11.2019 issued by Joint Charity Commissioner, Mumbai. Following this order, the Trust has now commenced charitable activities, which were hitherto on hold due to the court case. A12 certification has been obtained to enable us to avail tax exemption on our charitable expenditure. Application for 80G certification will be made, to enable donors to avail tax deduction facility.

  • 5. Elect Managing Trustee and Treasurer of Bhagnari Panchayat Trust

Due to the sad demise of our Managing Trustee Shri Sunder Kanar, it was necessary to appoint his replacement. Nomination to this post, as well as to the post of Treasurer, were invited on 16.7.2021. As on the deadline receiving the nominations, i.e. 17.8.2021, the following nominations were received at the Trust’s office:

Managing Trustee – Naresh Nasta

Treasurer – Ramesh Poplay

As only one nomination each was received for the above two posts:

– Naresh Nasta was elected unopposed to the post of Managing Trustee

– Ramesh Poplay was elected unopposed to the post of Treasurer

The Managing Trustee, Naresh Nasta, as per the powers vested in him by the constitution of the Trust, appointed the following Trustees, besides the Managing Trustee (Naresh Nasta) and Treasurer (Ramesh Poplay):

Lalit Jham, Lachmandas Gehi, Arjun Wadhare, Laxman Jham, Satish Nasta and Niranjan Nasta

The yeoman services rendered by the former Managing Trustee, Late Shri Sunder Kanar were appreciated. His contribution to the Trust was immensely valuable and it was due to his efforts that the Trust was able to commence charitable tasks.

Services of the outgoing Trustees Shri Niranjan Gehani and Shri Hari Nasta were also appreciated. The Trust will continue to look upon their guidance in future.

  • 6. Any other business

Naresh Nasta informed the General Body members that Shri Lalchand Kamwani had filed a writ petition Bombay High Court through his Power of Attorney Shri Arun Ugale, challenging the order of Joint Charity Commissioner Mumbai, dated 28.10.2019, with regard to our Deolali property. The same is listed for hearing on 30.8.2021. Bhagnari Panchayat Trust will be represented in the court by Adv Rajesh Gehani

There being no further points for discussions, the meeting ended at 12 noon.

Naresh Nasta

Managing Trustee




(Registration No. F3197)

29th August 2021


Attended by:

  • Members of Bhagnari Welfare Society and
  • Managing Committee Members – Ramesh Poplay, Arjun Wadhare, Laxman Jham, Lachmandas Gehi, Satish Nasta, Naresh Nasta, Lalit Jham, Niranjan Nasta and Co-opted Members – Vishnu Nasta and Subash Bhagnari

Due the current circumstances created by the ongoing pandemic, this Annual General Meeting for the year 2019-20 could not be held in the year 2020. The delay was duly intimated to the Charity Commissioner earlier in the year. As per the current protocols the meeting could not be held in-person and was held on Zoom. The co-operation of the members in this regard was appreciated. The Annual General Meeting for the year 2020-21 is planned to be held before the end of this year.

Ramesh Poplay started the meeting with the permission of senior members of the community and brought the house to order.

The following agenda points were discussed and finalised:

  1. Pass the minutes of the last meeting held on 24.11.2019

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated to the members. There were no queries on the same. As proposed by the managing committee the minutes of the previous AGM held on 24.11.2019 were passed unanimously by the General Body

  • 2. Review and pass the auditor’s report and the accounts of the Society for the period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020

There were no queries on the accounts for 2019-20. As proposed by the managing committee, the accounts for period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020 were passed unanimously by the General Body

  • 3. Appoint auditors for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021

Ramesh Poplay stated that Nanda and Company have served us well during the past and as such he proposed their name for appointment as the auditors of the Society for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021. The proposal was unanimously accepted by the General Body and Nanda and Company were appointed auditors of Bhagnari Welfare Society for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021

  • 4. Review the report of the Society’s activities during the period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020

Ramesh Poplay read out the activities of the Society during the year 2019-20 and thanked all the donors for their support and contribution.

  • 5. Any other business

The members were informed that the Society has applied for FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) registration in May 2019. Following this all the documents sought by Ministry of Home Affairs, including the opening of account with State Bank of India, New Delhi (where all foreign contributions should be received), have been submitted to them. Their permission is expected in a few months, following which contributions can also be received from non-Indians in any currency.

There being no further points for discussions, the meeting ended at 12.30 p.m.

Ramesh Poplay





29th August 2021


Attended by:

  • Members of Shree Bhagnari Panchayat and
  • Managing Committee Members – Lachmandas Gehi, Ramesh Poplay, Arjun Wadhare, Laxman Jham, Satish Nasta, Naresh Nasta, Lalit Jham, Niranjan Nasta and Co-opted Members – Vishnu Nasta and Subash Bhagnari

Due the current circumstances created by the ongoing pandemic, this Annual General Meeting for the year 2019-20 could not be held in the year 2020. The delay was duly intimated to the Charity Commissioner earlier in the year. As per the current protocols the meeting could not be held in-person and was held on Zoom. The co-operation of the members in this regard was appreciated. The Annual General Meeting for the year 2020-21 is planned to be held before the end of this year.

Ramesh Poplay started the meeting with the permission of senior members of the community and brought the house to order.

The following agenda points were discussed and finalised:

  1. Pass the minutes of the last meeting held on 24.11.2019

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated to the members. There were no queries on the same. As proposed by the managing committee the minutes of the previous AGM held on 24.11.2019 were passed unanimously by the General Body

  • 2. Review and pass the auditor’s report and the accounts of Panchayat for the period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020

There were no queries on the accounts for 2019-20. As proposed by the managing committee, the accounts for period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020 were passed unanimously by the General Body

  • 3. Appoint auditors for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021

Ramesh Poplay stated that Nanda and Company have served us well during the past and as such he proposed their name for appointment as the auditors of the Society for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021. The proposal was unanimously accepted by the General Body and Nanda and Company were appointed auditors of Shree Bhagnari Panchayat for the period 1.4.2020 / 31.3.2021

  • 4. Review the report of Panchayat’s activities during the period 1.4.2019 / 31.3.2020

Ramesh Poplay read out the report of Panchayat’s activities and thanked all the donors and the organisers of various events for their support. 

  • 5. Elect President of Shree Bhagnari Panchayat

Nominations to the post of President were invited on 16.7.2021. As at the deadline of receiving the nominations, i.e. 17.8.2021, only the nomination of Shri Lachmandas Gehi was received at Panchayat’s office:

As only one nomination was received Shri Lachmandas Gehi was elected unopposed to the post of President of Shree Bhagnari Panchayat

Lachmandas Gehi thanked the members for re-electing him as the President of Panchayat and nominated the following committee members to the Managing Committee:

Ramesh Poplay (Vice President), Arjun Wadhare (Secretary), Laxman Jham (Treasurer), Lalit Jham, Satish Nasta, Naresh Nasta, Arjan Lal and Niranjan Nasta and Co-opted Members Vishnu Nasta and Subash Bhagnari

It was noted that Shri Lachmandas Gehi has now become the second longest serving President of Panchayat (14 years) after Late Shri Takandas H Kataria, who was President for 35 years.

Lachmandas Gehi also thanked the managing committee members, who have helped him in the smooth execution of his duties. He appreciated the help and guidance received from our ex-President of Panchayat Shri Niranjan Nasta, ex-Chairman of Bhagnari Welfare Society Shri Hari Nasta and our Advocate Rajesh Gehani.

Niranjan Gehani congratulated Lachmandas Gehi and said that he is always available for any help or guidance required by Panchayat. He expressed happiness that the community members had faith in him due which he had served as the President of Panchayat, Chairman of Welfare Society and Chairman of Bhag Co-operative Society.

  • 6. Any other business

As the digital requirements of Panchayat have increased significantly, Lokesh Budhrani was appointed as the Technical Advisor of Panchayat. He has already been supporting Panchayat in such tasks, e.g. the launch of the community website ebhagnaris.in.

A vote of thanks was passed for the managing committee members and the members of the committee.

There being no further points for discussions, the meeting ended at 1 p.m.

Lachmandas Gehi



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